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Dr. Michael Rommel
Unter den Bergen 9
36433 Bad Salzungen
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- +49 (0) 170 81 51 147
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Many construction projects become distressed during their implementation because they fail to meet the established goals regarding costs, deadlines, or quality, or can no longer achieve them.
The causes for these developments are diverse. They range from unrealistic target specifications and changing requirements during the project to breaches of duty by the project participants (client, planner, and executing companies). Often, there are multiple factors that work together.
By taking timely countermeasures during the ongoing project, deviations from the goals can be minimized and damage can be reduced. We are firmly convinced of this. If cost and/or deadline deviations have already occurred, they usually cannot be fully corrected, but targeted mitigation can limit further damage. Please feel free to rely on our experience and expertise in crisis management.
Unter den Bergen 9
36433 Bad Salzungen